QCAD Bugtracker

QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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IDCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgress  desc
1282QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowChangeable color of the selection bar in layer list. Assigned
1 Task Description

Changeable color of the selection bar in the layer list.
Now the color of the bar is darkblue and the underlaid icons are black and are not readable.

2140QCAD (main)SuggestionLowChanging navigation mode for mouse wheel doesn't change...Assigned
1 Task Description

Looks like error, but may be that’s feature request.

CAD software uses typical navigation behavior as:
Wheel = Zoom; Ctrl+Wheel = Scroll up/down; Shift+Wheel = Scroll left/right.

Any other software like browsers, office software (openoffice writer, ms excel and so on), 2d paint software like GIMP (Photoshop and so on) uses other behavior:
Wheel = Scroll up/down; Ctrl+Wheel = Zoom; Shift+Wheel = Scroll left/right.

Users, that intensively use CAD and other software simultaneously prefer to make same behavior in their applications switching CAD scroll to plain mouse wheel.

QCAD’s “Application Preferences”: “Graphics View: Navigation”: “Mouse wheel/ two finger swipe”: “Scroll” allow user to assign scroll up/down to wheel mouse instead of Zoom. But there is mistake Ctrl+Wheel didn’t change to Zoom. Ctrl+Wheel continues to scroll up/down, as the wheel.
Wheel = Scroll up/down; Ctrl+Wheel = Scroll up/down; Shift+Wheel = Scroll left/right. No zoom!

Draw manipulation at this mode like a hell: you need to use wheel in conjunction with Ctrl/Shift to point draw in desired position, than move your hand to +(-) for make desired zoom.

609QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowClean up toolAssigned
1 Task Description

To have a ‘clean up ' tool to:

- eradicate duplicate lines
- eradicate stray points
- remove empty layers
- remove unused blocks

Perhaps with an initial dialog which allows the user to choose what they want to clean up.

1452QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowColour opacity optionAssigned
1 Task Description

Not sure how difficult this would be to implement but just wondered if it is possible to have an option in QCAD to change the opacity of a colour ?

related to topic: http://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=83&p=15715&sid=45f0f0679e8257f3cf98f91e4f0c4577#p15715

2167QCAD/CAMBug ReportLowComma format decimal separator fails ZSafety CAM config...Assigned
1 Task Description

Trial package Win installer 32 bit
Version: (3.25.2)
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Sep 4 2020
Revision: 4a61501
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

Local decimal separator is ‘,’ (comma)
In CAM configuration .. Z Levels .. Safety level

Using nn,nnn the output is Nxx G0 Znn
Using nn.nnn the output is Nxx G0 Znn.nnn

Drop down boxes are all in dot format.
Didn’t try anything else yet ;-)


684QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowConfigurable behavior for using box selection with Shif...Assigned
1 Task Description

See also:

670QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowConfigurable rendering options for stacked textAssigned
1 Task Description

Customer wishes that stacked text used as subscript is rendered differently (i.e. increased text size, lower position for subscript).
This may also apply to superscripts.

1705QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowConnect certain actions and layersAssigned
1 Task Description

When dimensioning my drawings I always want the dimensions to be on the dimensions layer.
When adding text I want the text to be on the text layer.
When drawing an infinite line it is always a construction line, therefore I want it to be on the construction line layer.
When drawing a line segment it almost always is on my outline layer.

So I propose a new option to bind certain actions to certain layers.
Whenever those actions are selected the layer should automatically be switched.

I can imagine this being implemented in the General→Tool Settings menu, where the short cuts are defined.

2541QCAD (main)SuggestionVery LowConsider the unit "Microinch" to be non-metricAssigned
1 Task Description


One Microinch is equivalent to 25.4 nanometers and I don’t consider that to be metric.

RUnit.isMetric(this.getDocument().getUnit()) returns true for RS.Microinch or value 8.

Returns false for: RS::Inch ; RS::Foot ; RS::Mile ; RS::Mil ; RS::Yard
... and true for all the rest.

Also see last note in: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=9506&p=38295

Not to be confused with RDocument::isMetric() because that returns the measurement system unless that is RS::UnknownMeasurement what is rather impossible with drawings created by QCAD.


2453QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowControl point Splines - Issue with Closed & Minimal poi...Assigned
1 Task Description

For more detailed description please refer to:

In the included screen grab below, left is when drawn cubic, closed periodic, from 4 points.
Right is when the file is re-loaded.

It is hard to select the incorrect shape when pointing near it ... Probably it is referring to the correct internal shape.
After drawing it explodes to a Null length polyline with 2 identical vertices.

I can’t include the error in a file as it reverts on re-load.

The same issue exist for quadratic, closed periodic, from 3 points.


2157QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowControlpoint Spline exploded to polyline may induce NaN...Assigned
1 Task Description

QCAD Professional
Win installer 32bit
Version: (
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Dec 16 2020
Revision: e06f230
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

Documented in, reproducible under
In the attached file:
→ Explode the trial cases and locate NaN Widths.
→ These faulty widths are cleared while saving and reverting.
= work around.

Related Post: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?t=7902#p30902
Related Topic: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?t=7901
Related Commit: https://github.com/qcad/qcad/commit/fcd7929bced7ae328029c1aa2ee2aff2745709c6

Arctic_Eddie reports failing CAM offset at exactly these points !!!
Reported is a faulty arc with radius of over 360,000mm.
- I can not reproduce this under QCAD working further on the Polys with NaNs.
- However the direct offset of such controlpoint Splines is erroneous.
(see file in post 30902)

Arctic_Eddie reports arc radii of over 10,000mm.
- These don’t seem to be faulty.
- I agree that BiArc fitting should be bound to a lower and certainly to an upper limit.
- That should be huge otherwise faint curvature is represented by many
wobbles or too quick by straight lines.
(All this, keeping in mind that QCAD doesn’t return the optimum fitted BiArc, see: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?t=4859)


1977QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowCorresponding coordinate format Assigned
1 Task Description


It would be less confusing to read messages in the command line protocol if it would use the same coordinate separators like the settings below Application Preferences / General / Coordinate Format.

This example shows the “Absolute Cartesian Coordinate” but of course all corresponding format settings should be used within messages.

Absolute Cartesian Coordinate: Setting = semicolon (;) but the message will use division (/).

1833QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDeep synchronize attributes featureAssigned
1 Task Description

There is the Synchronize attributes feature which works well. But It affects only block references in the active layout(modelspace, block layout). If I want to synchronize attributes of block references in in another blocks, i have to manually go through all blocks and run synchronize attributes feature. That is the reason I would like to modify Synchronize attributes feature to affect all block references in a drawing, or add new Deep synchronize attributes feature.

962QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDefault save / open directoriesAssigned
1 Task Description

Add the option to use a fixed path for the save to, open and CAM export directories.

(G code files are usually saved in on directory that the Control Program opens them up from so this would save a ton of mouse clicking)

986QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDetect duplicates - only on selected areaAssigned
1 Task Description

It would be useful to have an additional option to only detect duplicates on user defined selection of drawing.
Please see topic:

1503QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDetect duplicates within a given selection -new tool re...Assigned
1 Task Description

It would be so useful to have an option to be able to detect duplicates within a given selection.

2060QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDialog box for Layer StatusAssigned
1 Task Description

So far, layer status has only been implemented very rudimentarily.
I wish something like a dialog box in which you can choose for each layer status, which layers belong to it and which not.

2216QCAD (main)SuggestionLowDIM modification cause overlapping textAssigned
1 Task Description

When I modify partly a DIM with “Stretch” or changing one Extension line position with drag and drop the Value text is updated which is nice working. Unfortunately the previous value stays in place and is overwritten by the actual value. I think for a good readability the previous value should disappear in the moment when the new value is presented.

757QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDim: Architectural tick and Leader Arrow size independe...Assigned
1 Task Description

Leader Arrow size and the Architectural tick size are controlled by one and the same value.

It would be nice to get the possibility to adjust them independently from each other ...

1714QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDimension > Diametric: improve display when label is mo...Assigned
1 Task Description

See also:

756QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowDisplay problem in the Text "Character Map" ...Assigned
1 Task Description


Go to:
Text → Special Characters → Others → “Character Map” pops up.
Adjust Zoom to 100% = display problem (not enough space for the single character.

625QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDistribute block along spline, polyline, ...Assigned
1 Task Description


2497QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowDraw > Circle > 3 Tangents (CT3) fails in some cases wi...Assigned
1 Task Description


See attachment with example:

Solution included on layer ‘Solution’.


2436QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDraw > Hatch > Hatch from Segments: mark position of op...Assigned
1 Task Description

Case description: “Hatch from Segments” (HS) detects correctly an open loop but fails then to set the circle marker for an easy visuelle identification.

Same scenario tested with “Hatch from Selection” (HA) ...
... everything works like a charm ;-)

2159QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowDraw > Polyline > Polyline from Selection: may induce N...Assigned
1 Task Description

QCAD Professional
Win installer 32
Version: (
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Dec 16 2020
Revision: e06f230
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

Discovered in, reproducible under

Draw any open or closed chain of line entities.
Select All.
OC to Polyline.
Step through vertices.

No example file provided because these NaN values are not saved to a file.
More pronounced with lines as with arcs.
Less pronounced when recombining after an explosion.
Some methods clear these to value = void.
Some methods clear these to zero (OR).
Can also occur when adding segments to an existing polyline with OC.


2160QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowDraw > Polyline > Relocate Start Point: fails on polyli...Assigned
1 Task Description

QCAD Professional
Win installer 32bit
Version: (
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Dec 16 2020
Revision: e06f230
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

I like to start my CAM paths at low curvature instead starting at high curvature.
Ellipses may explode with the startpoint at the tip. (file Y2)

Documented in, reproducible under

File included with 4 LayerStates
- Original Ellipses: Y1
- Exploded to polylines (32 segments): Y2
- Direct after XP, OR performs different on the left top one: Y3
- Faulty solutions by OR: Y4 (= saved state)

The results may differ with the saved explosions.

With the file.
Relocate startpoint with OR to an existing reference (called ‘End’)


1702QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDraw > Polyline: add boolean operationsAssigned
1 Task Description

Add intersection, union, difference, XOR operations for closed polylines.

1298QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowDrawing Preference; File formatAssigned
1 Task Description

Hi, I get anoyed everytime saving a drawing;

 File Format not recommended.......          [Yes]   ; I know. it's suppose to be in that format!
 Saving to file......                        [OK]    ; I already told you
 Black entities ......bla bla                [OK]    ; I already told you
 Custom colors ...... bla bla                [OK]    ; I already told you

Therefore, Drawing Preferences should start with the file format choice field;

 File Format: R.......

Drawing should be opened and saved in that format without any question. Please.

798QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowelaborate on purge toolAssigned
1 Task Description

Modify the “purge layer” tool to preserve empty layers with a locked status.
see: http://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=2386

1976QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowEnvelope at offset to a poly toolAssigned
1 Task Description


173QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowexplode text to lettersAssigned
1 Task Description


1555QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowExport list of points.Assigned
1 Task Description

It would be great when you can add a function to export a selected object as a list of points.
Is it possible to add?

Autodes DWG TrueView 2017 has this function and it is very useful.
Here you can see a screenshot of this function.

1526QCAD (main)SuggestionLowExporting block attributes to CSVAssigned
1 Task Description

Two useful commands make it necessary to

1-”delete all the history of the command lines without terminating QCad” ; and

2-”export attributes to the CSV file as exported to the Blocks List”

2446QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowExtending dimension line beyond extension line when usi...Assigned
1 Task Description

I would like the ability to extend dimension lines beyond the extension line when using tick marks. Images are attached and posted here: https://qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=9785

951QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowExtra Option for Block attributes ...Assigned
1 Task Description

It would be nice to have the possibility to control the automatic Text orientation in Block attributes.
Something what would work like the DIM restriction: I can read the text horizontal and/or from the right side of the drawing sheet.

Right now I have the feeling that the Text orientation is dependent on the tool what I even use.
Different tools = different outcomes.

2155QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowFaulty rendering Polyline Arcs with Width = 2RAssigned
1 Task Description

QCAD Professional
Win installer 32bit
Version: (
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Nov 18 2020
Revision: 40f4475
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

Most likely not related to the QCAD version, rather an old sore.

File included
Topic: https://qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=7889#p30803
Confirmed by ‘cccplex’ Linux ‘Latest Ubuntu’

Polyline arcs with Width = 2R render as circle segments rather than circle sectors.
As Non-reversed arcs these don’t explode.
As reversed arc these explode to a single arc rather than a circle sector contour.

There is also still the faulty rendering with Z not zero


1923QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowFaulty rendering Polylines with Global/Local Widths and...Assigned
1 Task Description

Win7pro 32bit Qcad 3.23.0

The Arc segments of Polylines with Global or any Local Width render faulty where Global Z or any of the arc’s local Z is not zero.

In the attached drawing setting the Global Z of the inner poly to 5,10,...

The setting of Z to not zero affects the radius of the projected arc and not the bulging of the poly.
It also affects the projected widths of the line inversely, but not by changing the widths properties.

Pritty rare combination! True.
Qcad is 2D native! True.

Flatten will resolve this.

It is not a purely visual rendering fault, the poly will explode as such.

Maybe similar flaw as with uneven scaling blocks with arcs.


586QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowFile open dialog with previewAssigned
1 Task Description

Since this is not supported by Qt anymore, this would likely have to be implemented from scratch.

2351QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowFile Thumbnail PreviewAssigned
1 Task Description

Could we please implement the ability to display file contents in the file explorer. This would make it easier to decide which files to open.

1067QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowFilling an area with a bitmapAssigned
1 Task Description

Being able to fill an area with a bitmap would be a nice addition to the already impressive feature list of QCAD.

839QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowGrid / Meta Grid info + Drawing Unit Info ...Assigned
1 Task Description

At our QCAD Drawing window, below right corner, we have the Info displayed what are the Grid / Meta Grid settings.
It would be nice to have additional the Info for the drawing unit ...

2440QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowHatch from Segments > False positives open loop warning...Assigned
1 Task Description


Most probably not related to OS or QCAD version.

When hatching an area with Hatch from Segments (HS) there might be false positive warnings on open loops.
It seems that this is related to the orientation of the indicated segments and the order of selection.
The real problematic position is not always the first that is reported.
Loop count is increased even if it is a single loop.

Included a basic test drawing to replicate these.
Further details to replicate the issue are in the file.


2264QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowHatching segment selection stops at entity - hatch patt...Assigned
1 Task Description

QCAD Professional
Windows7 pro WinInstaller
Version: (
Internet: QCAD.org
Build Date: Jul 20 2021
Revision: e596276
Qt Version: 5.13.2
Architecture: i386
Compiler: Unknown

In the example given by ‘turtle’ .. why_is_this_not_closed-v2.dxf

Selecting hatch boundary segments of the horizontal polyline segment at

Segment selection stops where the AR-CONC hatch pattern touches the horizontal segment.
Such intersections points where already no longer regarded as snappoints.
See :
 FS#2090 : https://www.qcad.org/bugtracker/index.php?do=details&task_id=2090.
Related topic https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?&t=7340&p=28414#p28414


2428QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowImplement reversing Leader entities on creation or afte...Assigned
1 Task Description


Usually I point to something to start with.
Sometimes I want to point away from here but then the arrow is where I just clicked.

An option on creation would be nice.
The capability to reverse the Leader orientation afterwards is another method to get it pointing the intended way.

A Leader entity is stored similar as a polyline.
I think it would not be difficult to reverse the basic polyline and update the dimension shape accordingly.


2371QCAD (main)SuggestionLowInclude more properties for polylines in the Selection ...Assigned
1 Task Description


Not OS or Version depending.

We can’t filter on some specific properties of polylines.

Handy would be:
- Global Width
- Orientation

- Polyline Pattern
But I don’t really search for them ... For some post-op I just need them all to be set to ‘No’.
- # of vertices
Filtering the complex from the more simple ones.
- Including Bulges or not
To seperate polylines with arc segments form others.
There some operations that don’t really work with bulging.
- Z values and/or global Z
This would make sense for some but filtering on Z is not common under QCAD as it is 2D.


2505QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowInfo > Polygonal Area > Use dimension decimal format fo...Assigned
1 Task Description

On behalf of user Kmeelo

Polygonal Area adds measurements text with 12 decimal digits and then as short as possible.

Current formatting path see: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=10450&p=42833#p42805

Related forum feature request: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=10458

I also see a misconception of the term ‘precision’.
Numbers precision is the amount of significant digits disregarding the position of the decimal point.
12 decimal digits is about the largest precision for numbers with 5 integer digits.


703QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowInfo function -> contour for Hatch not closed ...Assigned
1 Task Description

Task: If I like to make a hatch and the contour isn’t closed I get a Grey circle Info where the contour isn’t closed. Nice!

But ..... I have this Info only for ONE not proper connection and only for the moment when the mouse pointer is over the Hatch Tool Symbol.

If I have to zoom into the Problem - I will lose the Info where the problem is :-(

To get the “Problem Info” back I have to select it again - but for that I have to zoom out ............... ;-)

It would be nice to have this “Problem Info” longer in the drawing - maybe until I solved all problems.

And it would be nice to have ALL Infos for not connected lines at the same time. It is not really helpful to repeat this function 20times if I have 20 connection problems ... ;)

1051QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowInfo tool, polygonal area, possibility for a postfix la...Assigned
1 Task Description

... would be nice.

If I use the Info tool “Polygonal area” with the option “Add measurement to the drawing” I always have to edit the Value to make clear that we now looking to an area value like m² or ft².

I was thinking that a pre labeling (prefix/postfix) like the normal Dim tools could save me a couple extra steps ... ;-)

1287QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowInformation tool shows absolute units in print previewAssigned
1 Task Description

With that new feature the information tool shows the absolute paper units in the print preview mode instead of drawing units.
So you can determine the exact size of an entity in the printout without manual calculating with the drawing units and the scale factor.

See also http://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=89&t=3793

2293QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowinsert attributes into a point elementAssigned
1 Task Description

Would it be possible to extend the tool for importing points with a label so that when importing points into the drawing (as it is now), the attributes of the point are taken from the csv file and written to the point’s own properties? See attachment. This would extend the functionality of the tool and I assume that it would also lay the foundation for the possible re-export of such points from the drawing to a csv file, including all the details.

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