QCAD Bugtracker

QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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IDCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummary  descStatusProgress
 738 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Lost Layer and Block List caused by closing the empty " ...Closed
Task Description

XP32 / 3.0.5

Example case:
I open QCAD and I have automatically the “Untitled 1” drawing.
If I open now an additional, saved drawing I have all Blocks and Layer listed and I’m able to work normal with my drawing ...
If the “Untitled 1” drawing is NOT the active drawing and I close it with the X in the Tab I will lose the Layer and Block List (only the List!) in the other drawing ....

I have to play around with QCAD “Window minimizing” “Draft mode” or I have to reopen the drawing to get the Layer/Block List back!
Seems to be a refresh problem .....

Funny is that this not occurs if I have opened a couple drawings .... but in this case I’m able to switch (and refresh?) the drawings with the tabs ....

720QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowLocked Blocks ....Assigned
2 Task Description

It is nice that I can scale or rotate a block - but right now I see also a big plus in a kind of locking function for Blocks.
It would be nice to have a “locked” option ad least for the scaling of blocks.

Example: Think about Clives “Radiator ‘Cover’ screen” http://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=2060 and how you could manipulate this screen with “scale blocked blocks” ;-)

2433QCAD (main)SuggestionLowLock Snap [SQ] fails at snap Middle Manual [SN]Assigned
Task Description

e.g: If I use content out of the clipboard to insert it multiple times into the drawing with using the Middle Manual snap [SN] the snap can’t be locked [SQ] and I have to reactivated the snap again and again for every following insert.
Other snaps like END or CENTER work flawless in this scenario.

764QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowLinks to Data sheet, Part List ...Assigned
1 Task Description

Most of our drawings have a Data sheet, parts List, cutting list, description etc etc on a pdf, world or excel file.

It would be nice to have a link possibility directly in QCAD to those files what will be saved with the drawing.
Like the bitmap function without displaying the files in the drawing ...

 2459 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Linetype scale of blocks in viewports not scaled accord ...Closed
1 Task Description

Reported in forum 2 times:
https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=95&t=9887&p=40202&hilit=bugtracker#p40202 https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=9916&p=40298#p40298

Most likely the issue exist since QCAD Vers. < (3.25.2)

 1020 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Line2PEx, Option-bar for angles disregard the Decimal P ...Closed
Task Description

My QCAD setting for “Decimal Points” is “dot” instead of “comma”.
(Application Preferences, General, Coordinate Format, Decimal Point: Dot ‘.’(Default))

The new Line2PEx tool will only accept a comma - if I use a dot it will be automatically replaced by a comma.
The displayed angle in the drawing will use a dot.
No red Text font warning for using an invalid value.

I used a screen-shot with an additional coordinate option to make it a bit clearer:

1837QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowLine bisector toolAssigned
1 Task Description


we have already this nice tool “Angle bisector”.

I would really appreciate if we could get the same function for parallel lines to place a line exactly in the center of both lines.


 773 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Line - Relative Angle / Orthogonal: Reference Point opt ...Closed
Task Description

Reference Point options (Start, middle, end) also for “Relative angle” and “Orthogonal” .... like the other lines ;-)

 559 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Library Symbole mit gleichen Namen wie in der Zeichnung ...Closed
Task Description

Blocknamen in einer Zeichnung haben Vorrang gegenüber gleichen Blocknamen aus der Library.

Eine Sicherheitsabfrage wie z.B.: Vorhanden Block überschreiben, ignorieren etc oder neuen Block umbenennen würde viele Überraschungen verhindern.

584QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowLibrary Items können unbrauchbar gemacht werden durch l...Assigned
1 Task Description

Nach einigen Überraschungen ....

Es ist möglich Layer in nicht eingefügten oder unsichtbar geschalteten Library Items unbemerkt zu löschen ....

Fallbeispiel 1:
Ich arbeite an einer Zeichnung die u.a. den Layer “Gelbe Linie” benutzt.
Ich füge ein Library Item ein was auch einen Layer “Gelbe Linie” hat.
Ich lösche - aus welchen Gründen auch immer - in der Zeichnung das Library Item weil ich es erst später wieder verwenden will.
In der Blocklist ist es natürlich immer noch verfügbar.
In der Zeichnung lösche ich den Layer “Gelbe Linie” da ich diesen nicht brauche brauche - habe aber natürlich nicht im Kopf welche Layer in meinen Blocks verwendet wurden.
Nach einiger Zeit will ich den Block (den aus der Library) wieder einfügen - dieser ist nun aber unbrauchbar da der Inhalt welcher auf dem Layer “gelbe Linie” war fehlt.
Das Library Item neu aus Library laden um das bereits existierende zu reparieren scheitert da das erste nicht überschrieben werden kann. Ich muss den ersten Block löschen um den neuen benutzen zu können.

Fallbeispiel 2:
Da das selbe (löschen der Layer) auch passieren kann bei unsichtbar geschalteten Blöcken kann es dazu führen das ich zig bereits positionierte Blöcke zerstöre und neu platzieren muss um meine Zeichnung zu reparieren.

Fallbeispiel 3:
Ich sehe in meiner Zeichnung einen Layer “Gelbe Linie”. Weiß nicht was das ist - schalte alle Layer unsichtbar außer “Gelbe Linie”. Klicke auf “Auto Zoom” um zu sehen was den auf “Gelbe Linie” ist. Finde nichts = also leer! Lösche Layer “Gelbe Linie”. Der Layer wurde aber von einem im Moment nicht verwendeten Library Block verwendet. Es gibt keinen Hinweis das ich damit ein Library Item zerstören könnte ....

Lange Rede kurzer Sinn: Wäre es machbar/sinnvoll Layer in Blöcken nur löschen zu können wenn ich mich im Edit Modus der Blöcke befinde?

 2326 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Library item - Long distance between cursor and object Closed
Task Description

Please see the reported issue below:

The library items is designed only with hatches. Inserted within the Library Browser will lead to a wildly displaced reference point position. The then in the drawing available block inserted again from the Block List will show the original correct reference.

On the other hand - Library Items designed with common entities like circle, line etc. behave in both cases normal as expected.

 576 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Library Browser Fensterposition merken ... Closed
Task Description


Ich würde es begrüßen wenn der Library Browser sich seine letzte Fenster Position und Größeneinstellungen “merken” könnte.
Zudem wäre es schön wenn er im letzten Modus öffnen würde - ich benutze zur Zeit überwiegend die Registerkarte “File System” zu der ich dann jedes mal neu navigieren muss.
Auch wäre es schön wenn das Browserfenster minimiert oder in den Hintergrund verschwindet sobald ich ein Symbol in die QCad Zeichenfläche ziehe - momentan kommt es oft vor das ich zwar das Symbol am “Maushaken” habe aber das Browserfenster im Weg ist. Um QCad in den Vordergrund zu holen muss ich die Zeichenfläche anklicken was aber dann natürlich schon das Symbol (an einer falschen Stelle) einfügt ...

719QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowLibrary Browser additional Function ...Assigned
Task Description

It would be nice to get:

In the Create Library Item task → “Save as” a remember Function for the last chosen Path to save the Item ... or a default path what is the same like the settings in the Application Preferences.
Right now you have to navigate again and again for every item what you will save in the same directory. If you have to save 20 items - it sacks ;-)

Also would it be nice for an easy “Clean up” to have the possibility to delete items directly in the Library Browser window.
Right now you have to use extern Programs like the Windows explorer to move or delete items.

 587 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Library Browser / Favoriten Verwaltung ganze Ordner ein ...Closed
Task Description

Es wäre hilfreich wenn man in der Favoriten Verwaltung des Library Browsers nicht nur einzelne Symbole sondern auch ganze Ordner hinzufügen könnte.

893QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowLibrary Browser - Edit Library Item - opens drawings al...Assigned
Task Description

Library Browser - Edit Library Item - opens drawings always with grid.

- If I switch between opened drawings back and forth the grid will disappear ....
- If I switch the grid button between visible (it is already visible!) and invisible the grid is gone ....

Just Cosmetic ... ;-)

 583 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Leere Layer als solche kennzeichnen ... Closed
Task Description

Im Zuge einer Zeichnungserstellung entstehen viele Layer.
Auch Library Items oder Kopien aus anderen Zeichnungen können noch viele Layer hinzu bringen.
Um die Übersicht zu behalten sollten deshalb nicht oder nicht mehr gebrauchte “Leere Layer” nach Fertigstellung (oder auch zwischendurch) der Zeichnung entfernt werden.
Diese herauszufinden gestaltet sich als sehr aufwendig weshalb ich eine Kennzeichnung der leeren Layer als sehr nützlich empfinden würde.

 2094 TranslationBug ReportLow Leader and Datum - Tool tip for "Undo Last Segment" Closed
Task Description

Tools: Leader and Datum
Tool tip for “Undo Last Segment” - Segment instead of Segement

 1670 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Layout Blocks are not using print settings from Applica ...Closed
Task Description

My settings below Application Preferences:
Dimension Settings
Drawing Unit: Inch
Paper Unit: Inch
Measurement System: Imperial

Printing - Page
Page Orientation: Landscape
Paper size: ANSI A (Letter)
Paper width: 8.5” Paper height: 11”

Printing Colors
Color Mode: Black / white

Blank QCAD template used as the start drawing.

Issue in Layout Block

Printing Color Black/White changed to “Full Color Mode”,
Default setting to use ANSI A will change to ISO A4 in mm regardless that the Paper Unit is inch and size ANSI A.
Unit is unstable when you change the format a few times. It will switch between mm and inch what can lead to a 8.5 mm x 11 mm Paper size (then called customized!) or 210” x 297” ANSI A4,

Paper orientation preset to Landscape is then Portrait in Layout Block

2340QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowLayer List / Block List: Link minus icon to keyboard de...Assigned
Task Description

Referring to Layer List / Block List: It would improve the workflow if the Delete key on the keyboard would be linked to the minus icon (Delete). The command ER is also ignored in both list.

 1582 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Layer > Show all Layers / Hide all Layers: unexpected o ...Closed
Task Description


if I create in a new drawing a layer list and use the Show all Layers / Hide all Layers function everything works as expected.

If I hide one or more Layers individually and directly in the Layer List (click on the Eye) I can’t make them visible with the Show all Layer function. It looks like individual hidden Layer are protected with a higher priority.

If I load an “old” drawing all individual settings for a hidden Layer are with a higher priority than Show all Layers. If I click every single Eye for each Layer to make them visible then I’m again able to toggle the visibility for all Layer in once.

 1491 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Layer > Create Layer from Selection: cancelling dialog  ...Closed
Task Description

Select entities,
launch the Layer tool: Create Layer from Selection,
change your mind - cancel this tool, ;-)

QCAD moves - regardless the cancellation - all selected entities to the active layer. :-(

 2413 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Layer > (De-)Select Layer Entities: Default shortcuts Y ...Closed
Task Description

Shortcut Y+, Y- fails for selecting Layer Entities in a Layer List. Letter is ignored and +, - zooms the drawing

2386QCAD Community EditionBug ReportLowLabel "Linear format" missing in Property EditorAssigned
Task Description

no task description

 592 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Kreis Punktfunktion erweitern auf Elemente ... Closed
Task Description

Es wäre schön wenn ich einen Kreis zwischen Elemente platzieren könnte indem ich die Begrenzung nicht durch Punkte sondern durch Elemente angeben könnte. Eine Auswahl von 2-3 Elementen mit/ohne Radius soll den Kreis Geometrisch korrekt an die Begrenzungselemente anschließen lassen.
Hilfskonstruktionen oder der Umweg über Round RN (was allerdings nur bei geraden Linien funktionieren kann) würden dadurch entfallen.

Laienhaft könnte ich mir vorstellen das die Grundlage für diese Funktion bereits in der Round (RN) Funktion existiert ...

 533 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Kopierendes/Ausschneidendes Rechteck (Kreis) Werkzeug . ...Closed
Task Description

In meiner Vergangenheit habe ich in anderen CAD Programmen mit folgendem Werkzeug gearbeitet was ich für Detailansichten, Bereinigungen oder ähnliches extrem Hilfreich empfand. Wäre schön wenn es so etwas auch in QCad gebe.

Werkzeug: Man zieht ein Rechteck (oder Kreis) über einen gezeichneten Bereich auf. Alles was innerhalb oder außerhalb des Rechtecks liegt wird kopiert/ausgeschnitten/gelöscht und auch direkt an den Linienkanten des auswählenden Rechtecks geschnitten.

Momentan kann ich ein Rechteck für Selektion bestimmen - muss aber dann nach einer Kopie alles manuell trimmen, löschen etc. um nur den gewünschten Rechteckinhalt zu bekommen ...

2552QCAD (main)SuggestionLowKeep Windows menu shortcuts (Alt+Key) unique per menuAssigned
Task Description

Reason: Same underlined keys are used for different menus

Select and Snap = S,
Dimension and Info = I,
Modify and Misc = M,

853QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowKeep selection after undo ...Assigned
2 Task Description

If I move something and it went wrong I can easily undo the last move and start over without the need of a re-selection.
If I copy something and it went wrong I can undo the last copy but I have to re-select everything again.

It would be nice to keep the once chosen selection in both “undo” situation!

Same with similar functions like rotate etc. ....

 1057 TranslationTaskLow Japanese translation missing in a couple spots .... Closed
Task Description

Is the Japanese translation still in progress or is this a update Problem?

 1095 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Isometric projection: Projection uses application prefe ...Closed
Task Description

QCAD start,
Application Preferences:
Units: inch
Dim: Fractions

Changed the Drawing Preferences to:
Units: mm
Dim: Decimal

Design a Dim and it will be created with the mm/Deci settings - as expected,

Select now the Dim - activate the ISO Tool - the try to determine the reference point fails / it’s way of the clicked point and now the produced ISO Projection will use the attributes for DIM’s from the “Application Preferences” setting - hmmmmmmm, not as expected :-(

 1084 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Isometric projection: layers disappear from layer list Closed
Task Description

see below:


1302QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowIsometric projection on the current layerAssigned
1 Task Description

It would be very useful to have the same possibility for Isometric projection like the Paste tool etc.. An option which ask me to put a new Isometric projection on the current layer is right now missing. If I like to have this new Isometric Projection on a different layer I have to reselect the projection and move it to that layer. That is plain inconvenient.

 870 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Isometric projection of text creates unwanted bounding  ...Closed
Task Description

If I use the isometric tools for a text QCAD will keep a construction Box as a leftover ...

980QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowIsometric Projection / blocks / wrong layer are used in...Assigned
Task Description

Isometric Projection used on a selection which contains blocks will mix up the layer affiliations.
No blocks - no problems ;-)

 2469 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Invisible switch fails partly at Block Reference with A ...Closed
1 Task Description

A block with attributes inserted into Model_Space can’t be made completely invisible with the invisible switch (Eye icon) in the block list. It works for entities but not on attributes.

 865 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Invisible Blocks are causing a warning Window ... Closed
Task Description

If I use in an area with invisible Blocks the “rectangular selection” in “lower left to upper right” direction for a move/copy, mirror, clipboard etc. action - a warning window appear. Also the reference points of the invisible blocks are visible.

If I use the “rectangular selection” in upper right to lower left direction everything works as expected.

2072QCAD (main)SuggestionLowInserted and flipped block mirrors text and dimAssigned
Task Description

Text and/or DIM used in blocks will be mirrored if inserted with a vertical/horizontal flip option.

Text/DIM which was successfully used in previos QCAD versions are now mirrored if they are loaded in the current version.

Version 3.23.0 doesn’t shows this behavior.


 2417 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Insert Measurement/e.g. d1 Point to Point fails within  ...Closed
Task Description

Insert Measurement / e.g. Point to Point fails within Coordinate (SX) dialog. It is offered for X and Y but I can’t find a way to use it. For a proper measurement with IP I need to use Autosnap etc. but that means I have to switch from Coordinate snap to an other snap with no way to return to use the d1 variable.

 2061 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Insert Library items fails to update relative zero poin ...Closed
Task Description

To reproduce the issue: Insert a Library item from the Library browser and the RZ point will stay where it is.

 937 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Info Tools - Area: "Add measurement to drawing" doesn't ...Closed
Task Description


Info Tools - Area: “Add measurement to drawing” doesn’t work as expected

1051QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowInfo tool, polygonal area, possibility for a postfix la...Assigned
1 Task Description

... would be nice.

If I use the Info tool “Polygonal area” with the option “Add measurement to the drawing” I always have to edit the Value to make clear that we now looking to an area value like m² or ft².

I was thinking that a pre labeling (prefix/postfix) like the normal Dim tools could save me a couple extra steps ... ;-)

 352 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Info Tool, Polygonal Area shows decimal units instead o ...Closed
Task Description

Drawing preferences / dimension = Fraction

Info Tool, Polygonal Area shows decimal units instead of fractions.

 791 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Info Tool Polygonal Area closing with right mouse click ...Closed
Task Description

Application Preferences - Widgets - Command line - Show information as dialog: Ticked!

If I use the Info Tool Polygonal Area and decide to close it with a right mouse click the “Show information” dialog window pops up - just as expected.
If I close the Dialog window with the OK Button .... a “CAD Tools” Menu pops up. Not expected ;-)

By the way - any chance to control the number of digits after the decimal point in the Info dialog window? 15 decimal places are most of the time just to much!

1502QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowInfo tool / Setting for Font and Size ... Assigned
2 Task Description

It would be nice if the Info Tool / Add Measurement to drawing option would use the same settings like the “Dimension settings” for Font and Text height. It’s a kind of similar function in a drawing and should have the same style. Maybe with an on/off switch?

 1427 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Info Tool / Polylinie Area (II)/ Preview broken Closed
Task Description

Print “Command Line” and as “Add measurement to drawing” works as expected.

703QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowInfo function -> contour for Hatch not closed ...Assigned
1 Task Description

Task: If I like to make a hatch and the contour isn’t closed I get a Grey circle Info where the contour isn’t closed. Nice!

But ..... I have this Info only for ONE not proper connection and only for the moment when the mouse pointer is over the Hatch Tool Symbol.

If I have to zoom into the Problem - I will lose the Info where the problem is :-(

To get the “Problem Info” back I have to select it again - but for that I have to zoom out ............... ;-)

It would be nice to have this “Problem Info” longer in the drawing - maybe until I solved all problems.

And it would be nice to have ALL Infos for not connected lines at the same time. It is not really helpful to repeat this function 20times if I have 20 connection problems ... ;)

645QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowInch - Layerdata / Linewight still in mm ...Assigned
Task Description

Drawing Unit is in “Inch” but the Layer Data (Line wight) is in “mm” ....

I like it ;-) ... but maybe I’m the only one :-(

 557 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow In Blöcken kann am Kreis kein Reference Punkt als Fang  ...Closed
Task Description

In Blöcken kann am Kreis kein Reference Punkt als Fang benutzt werden. Alle anderen Punktbestimmungen scheinen zu funktionieren.

 1119 QCAD (main)TaskLow Improve presentation of linetype names in combobox Closed
1 Task Description

The Linetype Names in the pull-down menu for Layer are hardly readable - it seams to me that the description is used twice (in different ways) in each row.
Till 3.6.4 the Information was short and clear.

 2389 QCAD/CAMBug ReportLow Import tools (KI) triggers a warning that the import fa ...Closed
Task Description

... despite the fact it was successful.

 2349 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Imperial drawings doesn't accept imperial scales for Vi ...Closed
Task Description

Drawing inch / imperial

If I add a Viewport imperial scales for that Viewport like 1” = 32’ are not accepted. Accepted are only metric scales like 1/100.

Please see also:

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