Open Source 2D CAD
RBox Member List

This is the complete list of members for RBox, including all inherited members.

contains(const RBox &other) constRBox
contains(const RVector &v) constRBox
containsBox(const RBox &other) constRBoxinline
containsPoint(const RVector &v) constRBoxinline
equalsFuzzy(const RBox &b, double tol=RS::PointTolerance) constRBox
equalsFuzzy2D(const RBox &b, double tol=RS::PointTolerance) constRBox
get2D() constRBoxinline
getArea() constRBox
getCenter() constRBox
getCorner1() constRBox
getCorner2() constRBox
getCorners() constRBox
getCorners2d() constRBox
getHeight() constRBox
getLines2d() constRBox
getMaximum() constRBox
getMinimum() constRBox
getPolyline2d() constRBox
getSize() constRBox
getTriangles() constRBox
getWidth() constRBox
grow(double offset)RBox
growToInclude(const RBox &other)RBox
growToInclude(const RVector &v)RBox
growToIncludeBox(const RBox &other)RBoxinline
growToIncludeBoxes(const QList< RBox > &others)RBox
growToIncludePoint(const RVector &v)RBoxinline
growXY(double offset)RBox
growXY(double offsetX, double offsetY)RBox
intersects(const RBox &other) constRBox
intersectsWith(const RShape &shape, bool limited=true) constRBox
isOutside(const RBox &other) constRBox
isOutsideXY(const RBox &other) constRBox
isSane() constRBox
isValid() constRBox
move(const RVector &offset)RBox
operator!=(const RBox &other) constRBoxinline
operator==(const RBox &other) constRBox
RBox(const QRectF &rect)RBoxexplicit
RBox(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)RBox
RBox(const RVector &c1, const RVector &c2)RBox
RBox(const RVector &center, double range)RBox
RBox(const RVector &center, double width, double height)RBox
scaleByReference(const RVector &referencePoint, const RVector &targetPoint, bool keepAspectRatio=false, bool fromCenter=false)RBox
setCorner1(const RVector &v)RBox
setCorner2(const RVector &v)RBox
toQRectF() constRBox
transform(QTransform &t)RBox