QCAD Bugtracker

QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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IDCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummary  descStatusProgress
1111QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption to swap right/middle mouse buttonAssigned
Task Description

Most of the other slightly non-standard CAD/eCAD tools I work with (e.g. Diptrace, PTC Creo Elements) use the right mouse button to drag.
So when changing between these applications, it’s slightly confusing/annoying that I need the middle mouse button to drag in QCad.
Even worse, the middle mouse button on most mice is the scroll wheel which is not really comfortable to hold while dragging.

So I’d propose an option to switch the function of the middle and right mouse button to allow users to choose the preferable option.

868QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption to save to dwt - drawing template.Assigned
Task Description

An option to save to dwt (drawing template) would be so very useful.
Please see related topic:


1731QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption to place text to other sideAssigned
Task Description

Hi Andrew,

It would be good to have an option to be able to place the text to the left or right,maybe just a simple check box? please see attached screenshot to explain. In this instance (and I have to do this a lot ;)) I had to explode the dimension entity and rearrange the text manually :(

Many thanks


2527QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption to mirrow viewports in paperspaceAssigned
3 Task Description

In paperspace I can scale and rotate etc. a viewport but I can’t mirrow it for to me unknown reasons.
After reading and testing this user request I agree that it would make sence to have such an option. The solution from Andrew to accomplish that task with blocks / edit block in place is already a nice solution but to me it feels like paperspace would be the correct place with less action to manage. The user can still design the drawing as usal in modelspace without thinking about the “special treatment” for the block which is used for the mirrowed presentation.

Refering to forum conversation:

1356QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption to lengthen/Shorten from both ends of entity at ...Assigned
2 Task Description

It would be helpful to have the added option to lengthen/Shorten from both ends of entity at the same time.

1722QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption to insert viewport at either of the rectangle co...Assigned
Task Description

Hi Andrew,

Currently the only option to insert a viewport is using the central insertion point, for better placement it would be useful to have an option to insert viewports at any of the four corners in addition to the centre.

Hope that makes sense.

Many thanks


620QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowoption to have horizontal dimension info using vertical...Assigned
2 Task Description

Some times I need to have the dimension info using the Vertical Dimension tool displayed horizontally.
See attached image:
Possibly this option could be added to the Label drop down menu.

1632QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption to add bespoke dimension precision + tolerance s...Assigned
Task Description

Hi Andrew,

1. I cannot find a way of selecting individual dimensions and changing the precision lets say from 0.00 to 0.000 for these particular dimensions only without affecting all the rest of the dimensions in the drawing - could an option be added for doing this in the property editor or not?

2. Would it be possible to add an option in the drawing preferences so that automatically a symbol is added at the correct placement fo all dimensions, in this case a tolerance plus/minus symbol?

Many thanks


675QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption for fixed Text and Dimension heights ...Assigned
Task Description

I think it would be nice to have the possibility to decide a fixed Text and Dimension (inclusive Arrows) height what is not affected by the Print scale. That means: If I have a given height of 3,5mm it will always be printed with 3,5mm - no matter what the scale for the printing is.
Yes, I see also the problem that I could run in space problems after I twitch to the Print preview - but that will also happen when I change the Text hight in the preferences for a 5:1 printing.
Maybe this Feature Request doesn’t looks important if you are usually working with Metric Units but if you have to handle Imperial Units then it is a pain in the back to make always the calculation to get the same heights.
Try it by your self; 3,5mm = 0.137795” = 1”:1” Now I like to print it in 1”:256” ops - to small - ok 1”:64” ... no, to big, maybe 1”:128” .......and QCad can’t remember the previously numbers. ;-)

2056QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption Duplicate layer (yy) inclusive all sub-layers.Assigned
Task Description

If I’ve to duplicate a layer with a bunch of sub-layer it’s a kind of a Sisyphus task to get it done.
Currently I have to duplicate each single layer. Then in an additional step I’ve to address each child layer to the proper parent layer.

Current lack:
Marked parent layer with all sub-layer / Duplicate Layer / only ONE layer will be duplicated.

With other words: If I have to duplicate a layer with 5 sub-layer it requires 11 steps to get a copy of that tree ... :-(

1930QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption disable "Auto Zoom on load" for saved "Layout Vi...Assigned
Task Description


my setting for “Auto Zoom on load” is checked to on. That works perfect for me for most of my drawings.

But if I save a drawing with Layout Viewports then I have to adjust every Viewport again after loading.

Would it be possible to have an option below Application Preferences / Graphics View / Appearance / Auto Zoom on load / ON which excludes drawings saved with Layout Viewports?

1464QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption button to access finer grid to snapAssigned
1 Task Description


I use eagle cad for pcb designs and I like its ability to snap to finer snap to grid when pressing option button (ALT in windows).
I am fine with auto grid setting, however, it would be good to also have a way to access finer grid when pressing down option button.

For example, when zoomed out, grid is 100mm apart.
When pressing down on the option button (ALT in windows), grid switches to finer 10mm.
This will save me time, zooming in to access finer grid to snap to.

631QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption "Scale" für das öffnen von Templates ...Assigned
Task Description

Wenn ich eine Zeichnung plane überlege ich mir natürlich im Vorfeld welche Blattgröße und welchen Maßstab ich verwenden möchte.

Wenn ich Templates (z.B. Zeichnungsblatt A4) für die Blattgröße öffnen könnte und dabei direkt einen Skalierungsfaktor (z.B. 10) vorgeben könnte hätte ich ohne Umwege gleich alles was man braucht. In diesem Fall ein A4 Blatt im Maßstab 1:10.

Im Grunde genommen das selbe was ich bereits mit Library Items machen kann ... ;-)

2387QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOpen Drawings on Layout Block by DefaultAssigned
Task Description

As the layout block contains the drawing sheet, the number, the viewports, it’s the presentable part of the drawing.

Maybe QCAD could be able to save on the dxf the “last state” of the drawing. If I saved on the Model and closed, it would open on Model... and if my last save was on the Layout”n”, it would open on Layout “n”.

At least on my work area, when opening a finished drawing, it’s the ideal for it to be opened in a Layout (if it was the active block while saving).

704QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOld Hatch FunctionAssigned
2 Task Description

It would be nice to implement the old hatch function as a tile function in parallel with the newer more industry standard hatch function. A tile function that would allow overlap +/- would be even better, and a great productivity boost, almost like an array within a set of bounds.

Thanks, Bob

2016QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowOffsetting multi selection of polylines halts prematureAssigned
1 Task Description


Offsetting 32 polys from ellipses fails.
Offsetting 16 polys can be completed with 2 selections for outer and 2 for inner.

For some reason the offset function halts premature.


2098QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowOffset will pick up hidden blocks while using it in a l...Assigned
1 Task Description

When I’m drawing inside a layout block the offset tool picks up lines from blocks that are hidden.
It is not happening with all the block.

2558QCAD/CAMBug ReportLowOffset trajectory path issue with circular Lead In/OutWaiting on User
Task Description


Please refer to related forum topic:

An eighth circle with radius 8 Lead In/Out relates to nothing in the actual exported cutter trajectory.
Nor does it with the edge being cut.

Proper examples and a comparison with ‘Extension’ type Lead In/Out included.
Conclusion: IMHO connecting the cutter trajectory and edge being cut is wrong.

It looks a lot like turning on Cutter Compensation (G41/42) while the motion is circular.
But that is uncommon because most controllers can not cope with this motion.
One can increase the offset gradually along a straight pre-entry segment for turning on G41/42 but not along a circular path.
Also see snippet:
- Pre-entry C→B turning on G41
- Circular Lead In B→A


1130QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOffset Polyline from both sides at onceAssigned
Task Description

It would be great to have a tick box to be able to offset a polyline from both sides/edges at once.

Maybe a similar feature could be added to the line -parallel tools?

1836QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOffset for paste along entityAssigned
Task Description

add a new parameter “offset” in the dialog “Paste along entity”

see https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5929&p=22307#p22307

775QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNote book tool for QCADAssigned
1 Task Description

It would be really cool to have a Note book tool for QCAD!

For example I am often working on a draft and at the same time scribbling notes down on a separate piece of paper relating to the drawing I am working on, could be anything e.g. add a block,add a dimension etc. etc... all sorts of things to remind myself about - all related to a particular drawing.

Of course I could use any number of other programs for this but a simple dedicated tool inside QCAD (could be called the ‘QCAD scribbler ;)) would be much better, especially one that can save the notes to a particular file, then when I open up my drawing again - my notes are there too!

2068QCAD Community EditionBug ReportVery LowNon-english text in upper/lower index becomes UTF codeAssigned
Task Description

How to reproduce.

1. Create a text field with some non-english words in the upper index. (see attached pic1.png)
2. Save the project and close QCAD.
3. Run QCAD and open same project.
4. Now upper/lower indexed text becomes not human readable UTF codes. (see attached pic2.png)

Tried different fonts - doesn’t help.

Linux ntb-kirill 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
CentOS Linux release 7.7.1908 (Core)

641QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowNo warning is displayed when lengthen tool is used with...Assigned
Task Description

Command ‘Lengthen LE’ will extend most arcs but not all (2 arcs in the attached drawing do not work)! There is no obvious reason for this from the users point of view.

1926QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNo negative coordinate values ? (DO command)Assigned
1 Task Description

Just starting with QCAD, for some hours now - really excellent user interface (compared to other low budget CADs, like DCAD, or BeckerCAD...) !

Surprisingly, point coordinates - entered via the command line, and shown with correct positions on the drawing- are not displayed correctly with the ‘dimordinate’ (DO) command.
There are no negative values, even when the center point (0;0) is right in the middle of the drawing, so points left and below should have !


1092QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew tool: draw trace entitiesAssigned
2 Task Description

Add tool to construct new trace entities.
Trace entities can currently only be loaded from DXF/DWG.

964QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew tool request - 'Break Out Arc' from CircleAssigned
Task Description

It would be useful to be able to pick a Start and End point of an Arc within a Circle to then break this out. So in principle another break out tool.

Please see topic:http://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=33&p=8826#p8826

2535QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew tool idea: Scale polyline objects separately, each ...Assigned
Task Description

In my current QCAD file I’m working on, I have a circular hub with a hole in it which I am also trying to place an alternating sequence of rectangular spokes of a certain relative size around.

I had 4 spokes that I had copied and rotated 45 degrees to create 8 spokes in total around the circle. I tried scaling the the non-cardinal spokes relative to the center of the circular ring, but that causes them to also move towards the center of the ring as they shrink, thereby putting them out of place as they scale.

I therefore had to activate the scale tool once per each object and set an origin (focus) point around the area where each spoke is “attached” to the ring in order to stop each from shifting inward to the circle as it scales.

It occurred to me though that there could be a simple tool or option to do this without that.

Each of my rectangles are polyline objects and thus are coherent continuous objects.

A new scaling tool could be designed such that it is based on simply clicking on each scaling origin on each object (using snapping tools if needed) and then clicking a check button (or enter) when done and then causing the scaling GUI to appear so the user can specify the desired scaling. Each scaling would then be applied to where the polylines were clicked instead of to all the objects as one.

This would be a much faster way to rescale a bunch of objects around individually varying relative scaling origins!

1364QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew Tool -'Run Parallel with'Assigned
2 Task Description

New Tool request:

When drawing a line it would be good to have a tool/option to ‘run parallel with’.

For example start to draw a line and choose ‘run parallel with’, select appropriate line to draw parallel with!

1363QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew Tool - make lines horizontal or verticalAssigned
Task Description

New Tool Request:

To have a tool to make any given line which is ‘not’ orthogonal already into an orthogonal line.

For example if I had a line at 30 degrees by using the tool I could change the line to be either horizontal or vertical.

1788QCAD (main)Feature RequestVery LowNew snap: reference points of a block referencesAssigned
Task Description

I know this was reported and fixed before ...


... but it looks like we have the issue now back with some kind of variation.

If I use the test drawing which I posted in 2013 ( FS#843 ) it works still as expected after it was fixed.

If I create a new block it won’t work in a new drawing nor in the old test drawing - no chance to snap to the Block Reference.

Edit: New Test drawing:

813QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew Snap tool: Isometric coordinates ...Assigned
Task Description

It would be nice to have an additional Coordinate tool for isometric constructions.

If I’m working on an isometric drawing I have to design my things with x, y, z coordinates.
Y is, of course not a problem but for x and z I have most off the time to work with construction lines for move, copy, locate etc.
With an isometric coordinate snap tool what will follow the 30° angles for x and z we could save a lot of construction lines ;-)

1446QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew Polygon toolAssigned
2 Task Description


if I need to design a bolt circle (circle on circle) and the single bolt diameter and the quantity of circles are given then I can use the QCAD Polygon Tool “Polygon 2 Points of Side” ... but for the Length of the side I have to do a workaround (Line with this length) to determine the desired length.

It would be very convenient to have an additional tool for a Polygon which has the possibility to ask me for the center, corners and the length of the sides.

1362QCAD (main)Feature RequestLownew layer tool: Toggle visibility allAssigned
1 Task Description


I use a lot of “temp” layer to keep my drawing organized during a design session. Ad the end of the day (or week or month ...) I need to get rid of this “garbage” but unfortunately there is no easy way to delete all this layer in one go.
Most of the time those layer are invisible. The “important layer” are visible. If I could toggle all layer from visible in invisible in one go with a switch like “Toggle visible layer all” and then use “Select all” / delete / Purge unused layer I’m able do get rid of this stuff with just a few clicks.

The same tool would help to improve the workflow in the case that I just have to switch between all visible / invisible layer for testing / double checking / cleaning or what ever. Currently I have to toggle every single layer to get this done and if I work with many layer I need to have a perfect working memory (or a piece of paper with many notes!) to be able to restore the same desired working order.

And I’m confident - there are many more useful scenarios for a tool like this one ... ;-)

pics: “Toggle visibility all” with one click:

1505QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew feature - use info tools with scaleAssigned
Task Description

When using the info tools, like the point to point measure it would be useful to be able to select a scale as well.

For example, when I scale a drawing say to 1:20, when working on the scaled drawing I can measure accurately with the measure tool in 1:20 also, without having to keep refering to the 1:1 drawing.



1621QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew Drawings in Draft ModeAssigned
Task Description

See: https://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=5001

1440QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew Drawing in Simple APIAssigned
1 Task Description

Could it be possible to add a simple function to add a new empty drawing (like File > New) to Simple.js ? Thank you. (PS, this simple.js API is awesome, btw :D)

( I already have my own to simplify my scripts, but it does not seem to work correctly if I set action.setRequiresDocument(false); in the init functions
See more at http://www.qcad.org/rsforum/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=4203#p15203 )

1165QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew Create Spiral ToolAssigned
4 Task Description

A new tool to create Spirals would be great to have, with an option to restrict the decline to achieve to draw either Logarithmic or Linear styles.

Please see related topic:


792QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew 'Match' properties toolAssigned
Task Description

To add a new ‘Match’ properties tool.

For example, I have a large drawing with lots and lots of entities on various layers and I want to select some entities (say 500 or more) which are all on different layers and change all these selected entities to match the properties of one other particular entity - but, but I want the ‘Matched’ entities to remain on their own layers.

OK, of course I can use the property editor for this and this is fine in most instances but I would first need to determine the the layer data for the properties of the entity I would like to match to (Color, Line weight and Line type) in the first place and then I need to remember these attributes in order to change things in the property editor in order to change all of my selection to match!

As I say mostly the above procedure would be fine to use but for convenience it would be great to have a new tool to do all this for me and cut out a few steps in the process.

A new ‘Match’ properties tool procedure could be something like this:

1. Select Match properties tool.

2. Select all entities to be matched.

3. Select entity to match to.

4. Tick or leave un-ticked - move to same layer.

5. Complete process.

* Actually, while writing this I`ve just thought of another useful addition which could be added to the Info tool set, ‘Entity’ properties info!
Example - click on Info > Entity Properties and click on the entity in question and then the properties are displayed without going to the layer data for this!
Just an idea ;)

2565QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowNaN length for arbitrary ellipse arcAssigned
Task Description


Probably not OS or QCAD version related.

The ellipse arc in the example file is drawn CCW and then the start parameter was set to 180. (All part of a test of newer code for the nearest point on an ellipse)
Its end parameter was originally 44.56263613...

If we reload this file its properties are:
- Not reversed (CCW)
- ratio is 0.42307692...
- Parameters are 180 & 404.56263613...
- The reported length is about 1993.21829743...

To replicate the issue you must draw over this ellipse shape:
- EA ; Direction CCW
- SR for snapping to references.
- Indicate the major, minor, start and end point all by snapping to the original references.

You now have a copy of the provided ellipse shape.
Select it with Alt-Select, it is the one without a length.

Properties are:
- Not reversed (CCW)
- ratio is 0.42307692...
- Parameters are 180 & 44.56263613...
- The reported length is NaN

I can replicate that for some other CCW ellipse arcs ...
... Perhaps given that the start parameter is 180 degrees.
Also suspecting that it can be replicated for CW arcs.

For the record:
A 2D wire Centroid for this shape also fails.
Simply because it tests for the length reported by QCAD.
It doesn’t start to approximate something that is about zero long.


2057QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMultiline toolAssigned
2 Task Description

Implement a multiline tool.

293QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowmulti-select for blocksAssigned
Task Description

It would be nice if one could select multiple blocks in the block list at once (holding ctrl or ctrl+shift). Main purpose would be to delete them if they are not needed anymore. If possible, the same applies to layers.

786QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMulti - Breakout toolAssigned
2 Task Description

A ' Multi ' Breakout tool or added option to the existing Breakout tool.

For example see attached image.

An option to remove all segments within a chosen boundary would be good, in my example I want to remove all the hatching within the Red circle.

So after exploding the Hatch, currently I have to remove all segments singularly!

Of course I could have placed the circle first and hatched around it - but in this and most instances it is easier to design and to produce the Hatching first and then place my circle/shapes etc.

1916QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowMoving an object in an angled viewport with mouse does ...Assigned
Task Description

To reproduce

1. Select a new view-port in model-space
2. Select the appropriate paper-space
3. When the paper space opens change the angle of the viewport to 90 degrees
4. Place view-port in paper space
5. Select the view-port in paper-space by clicking it
6. Try to move the object itself in the view-port (by clicking the “top” dot) to the right by moving the mouse to the right while holding the left mouse-button.


The object in the viewport moves down vertically NOT to the right


The object moves to the right

(It seems mouse movement does not compensate for the rotated angle of the viewport)


None, except compensate for the angle in your head and moving the mouse the “wrong” way when correcting the placement of objects in the view-port

2115QCAD (main)SuggestionLowMove toolbars with negative positions to 0 positions Assigned
Task Description

As it can be seen in the attached image, QCAD toolbars may dock to a position slightly outside the visible area of the screen. After having docked there, I have not been able to move them any more. Their current position is just in the middle of the screen.

The position of the toolbars remains the same after the deinstallation of QCAD, shutting down, restarting the computer and reinstalling QCAD. I kindly ask for help.

Kind regards

833QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMove number of copies into Options toolbarAssigned
Task Description

The Number of Copies (Delete Original, Keep Original, Multiple Copies) and whether to use the current layers attributes should be found in the Options toolbar of the active tool.

This way the option would be set before or during the operation (preview?)the popup window afterwards would be obsolete.

822QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowmove Freehand Line to Polyline ToolsAssigned
Task Description

In order to be more easily editable after creation Freehand Line should produce a Polyline and should be moved away from Line Tools to Polyline Tools

2048QCAD (main)Bug ReportVery LowMove / Copy to current layer fails when reference point...Assigned
Task Description

QCAD 3.24.2 / macOS x86_64 10.14.6

Starting with empty doc:
1. Draw any object (e.g. a rectangle) on layer 0.
2. Create new layer (”1”) with color, say yellow.
3. Select new layer
4. Select new object
5. Modify → Move / Copy
6. Click reference point
7. Click target point same as reference point
8. In “Move / Copy Options” dialog, select “Delete Original” and check “Use current layer and attributes.” Click OK.

The moved object stays on the layer it was previously on. Using “Move / Copy” as a quick way to move a selection between layers is not useful even though it appears to be the recommended way in a Google search.

Note: if “Keep Original” is selected instead, the copied object is placed on the current layer and the original object remains on its layer, as expected.

Note: if the target point is different from the reference point, the moved object is placed on the current layer as expected.

There are other workarounds too, cut / paste with “To current layer” checked seems to work, as does chaging the layer in the Properties Editor.

1628QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMove / Copy and snap tangentialAssigned
3 Task Description

Please see:


2537QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowMore variants for converting element types could be use...Assigned
Task Description

I don’t actually have any use for this idea currently, but am just posting it here to document it for consideration.

Basically, it occurred to me at least a few more useful conversions between shapes besides the existing ones could be useful.

For example:

  • Converting lines into axially aligned rectangles of a specified “radius” or “diameter” (with an option to delete or keep the original line geometry).
  • An option for the above (lines –> rectangles) that causes the intersections between the resulting rectangles to be automatically removed, like a kind of “automatic/magic wall creation tool” based on laying down lines instead of rectangles and then converting via this tool.
  • Converting circles/ellipses and rectangles back and forth between each other via their bounding volumes. It seems reasonably likely that people will sometimes want to convert circular design elements into rectangular ones and vice versa (e.g. deciding a rectangular column makes more sense than a cylindrical one and vice versa).
  • Converting any arbitrary selection into a corresponding bounding circle (not rectangle, which already exists) of sufficient size to enclose all points in the selection.

Basically, QCAD already has tools for converting shapes with operations that are a natural fit for the existing geometry, but has less tools for converting to entirely different geometry, but such uses could actually still be very useful potentially!

It seems likely to be common enough as a use case to merit inclusion, rather than just using scripting.

I don’t have any pressing need for these and I know that I could script them to create them if I really wanted to.

These are relatively minor ideas. I’m just putting this out here as more ideas for making this already wonderful software even better. :)

2233QCAD/CAMFeature RequestLowMore selection options to select sheets for nestingAssigned
Task Description

I’m often in the situation that I have to select for nesting 50+ sheets. Currently is only a Shift + left mouse click selection possible. It would be nice if QCAD/CAM could get for the nesting / sheet selection additional a mouse rectangle area selection.

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