QCAD Bugtracker

QCAD - 2D CAD System.

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IDCategoryTask TypeSeveritySummaryStatusProgress  desc
 592 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Kreis Punktfunktion erweitern auf Elemente ... Closed
Task Description

Es wäre schön wenn ich einen Kreis zwischen Elemente platzieren könnte indem ich die Begrenzung nicht durch Punkte sondern durch Elemente angeben könnte. Eine Auswahl von 2-3 Elementen mit/ohne Radius soll den Kreis Geometrisch korrekt an die Begrenzungselemente anschließen lassen.
Hilfskonstruktionen oder der Umweg über Round RN (was allerdings nur bei geraden Linien funktionieren kann) würden dadurch entfallen.

Laienhaft könnte ich mir vorstellen das die Grundlage für diese Funktion bereits in der Round (RN) Funktion existiert ...

 597 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Rechteck, Referenspunkt nicht mehr wählbar in kombinati ...Closed
Task Description

Will ich ein Rechteck mit Größenvorgabe zeichnen und kombiniere dies mit einem versetzten Relative Zero Punkt kann ich nicht mehr den Referenzpunkt (unten Links etc.) wählen und in der Vorschau sehen. Gezeichnet wird es richtig - wenn ich den Vorgang abschließen kann!

Rechteck mit Größe,
verändern Relativ Zero,
Ende eines anderen Elementes,
Relativ X,Y,
Will ich dann den Referenzpunktes des Rechtecks verändern - hat QCad Probleme dies umzusetzen oder auch den Vorgang dann flüssig durchzuführen.

601QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowFür Berechnungen neu zu erstellende Elemente Werte von ...Assigned
Task Description

Es wäre schön wenn ich Werte wie zum Beispiel Längen von Linien direkt abgreifen könnte um diese weiter in Berechnungen verwenden zu können.

Ich habe eine Linie konstruiert wobei sich eine Länge y ergeben hat.

Nun möchte ich eine Linie zeichnen die 5 mal y sein soll.

Linientool → Wert 5* eingeben und y durch Auswahl mit der Maus von dem vorhandenen Elements übernehmen.

Natürlich könnte ich die Geometrie Info benutzen um den Wert abzulesen oder auch über die Zwischenablage zu benutzen. Ein abgreifen mit der Maus wäre aber schneller, direkter und wahrscheinlich auch mit weniger Fehlern (Human error) verbunden. Wahrscheinlich auch genauer da QCad, denke ich, mit mehr Nachkommastellen rechnet, oder?

614QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowBlocks - overwrite current layer yes/no ...Assigned
Task Description

I would appreciate an option for the library Browser that gives me the possibility to decide by my self to use the current (same name) layer in my drawing or overwrite it with the existing layers in the library item.

Imagine the possibility’s of this feature .... ;-)

 627 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Text: Falsche Info beim editieren der Formatierung ... Closed
Task Description

Grundsätzlich finde ich die Optionsauswahl beim erstellen oder editieren eines Textes im “Text Option Window” als sehr Komfortable.

Trotzdem gibt es hier für mich noch einige Ungereimtheiten die ich als Bug bezeichnen würde da es untypische Informationen liefert und verwirrt.

QCad, English, XP, Text Optionen Window:
Im linken Bereich gibt es den sogenannten “Main Font”. Dieser kann aber nicht unter Application/Drawing preferences vorgegeben werden, richtig? Hier würde ich mir wünschen das ich diesen vorgeben kann und es somit ein “Default Font” wäre. Für Bemaßungen benutze ich z.B. eine Vorgabe von 0.137795276 inch (= Deutsche DIN 3.5mm für Texthöhen) und bin Heilfroh das ich dies als Default vorgeben kann ;)

Im rechten Bereich des Text Options Windows kann ich im “Rich Text” Tab den Text formatieren - grundsätzlich eine schöne Sache.
Leider verwirrt mich dieses Fenster immer wieder:
Text erstellt, individuell formatiert(Textfonts, Höhe, Farbe), positioniert in der aktuelle Zeichnung.
Doppelklicke ich den Text um ihn zu editieren poppt das Optionsfenster auf und der Text ist markiert. Im Text font wird mir gesagt das es der Text Arial ist mit einer Höhe von 1 und schwarz. Da ich aber NICHT Arial verwendet habe und die Texthöhen unterschiedlich sind und alles in rot ist dies eine falsche Information.
Hier hätte ich erwartet: Font = *VARIES*, Höhe = *VARIES*, Farbe = *VARIES*. Klicke ich dann mit der Maus in den Text (Markierung verschwindet, Cursor blinkt im Text) habe ich immer noch die selbe Info - erst ein zweiter Klick spuckt dann die richtige Info aus.

Zurück zum Main Font: Wie nutze ich diesen wenn ich bereits andere Formatierungen verwendet habe - neu eingeben? Gutes Gedächtnis vorausgesetzt ;-) Spaß bei Seite: Sollte dies nicht eine Vorgabe sein die “auf Knopfdruck” verwendet werden kann?

Und da ich neugierig bin .... wofür ist die Option “Simple Text”?

631QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption "Scale" für das öffnen von Templates ...Assigned
Task Description

Wenn ich eine Zeichnung plane überlege ich mir natürlich im Vorfeld welche Blattgröße und welchen Maßstab ich verwenden möchte.

Wenn ich Templates (z.B. Zeichnungsblatt A4) für die Blattgröße öffnen könnte und dabei direkt einen Skalierungsfaktor (z.B. 10) vorgeben könnte hätte ich ohne Umwege gleich alles was man braucht. In diesem Fall ein A4 Blatt im Maßstab 1:10.

Im Grunde genommen das selbe was ich bereits mit Library Items machen kann ... ;-)

 632 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Text Höhe default in Application Preferences / Drawing  ...Closed
Task Description

Es wäre Hilfreich für eine eigene durchgängige Standardisierung die möglichkeit zu haben Default Texthöhen in den Application/ Drawing Preferences vorgeben zu können.

Perfekt wäre in meinen Augen das man drei Texthöhen vorgeben könnte wie z.B. 2.5mm, 3.5mm, 5mm die bei der Eingabe von Text (oder beim editieren) per Schalter gewählt werden könnten. Das individuelle eingeben von Texthöhen sollte aber zudem beibehalten werden.

Bei der Bemaßung kann ich dies bereits jetzt für eine Texthöhe einrichten ... ;-)

637QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowViewports / View ListAssigned
Task Description

1. The Scrollbars for each window in the Viewports has the same size like the normal used scrollbars for windows. If you are working on a normal size Monitor it “steals” a lot of “working space”. Is there any possibility to make the scrollbars smaller or just a line to separate the windows so that I have to navigate with Keyboard and mouse?

2. I thing the Viewports and the View List belongs together - is it possible to get a button in the “View List / Tool Bar” to choose a Viewport style instead of “walking” the long way over the “Drawing preferences” Menu?

See also:

645QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowInch - Layerdata / Linewight still in mm ...Assigned
Task Description

Drawing Unit is in “Inch” but the Layer Data (Line wight) is in “mm” ....

I like it ;-) ... but maybe I’m the only one :-(

675QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowOption for fixed Text and Dimension heights ...Assigned
Task Description

I think it would be nice to have the possibility to decide a fixed Text and Dimension (inclusive Arrows) height what is not affected by the Print scale. That means: If I have a given height of 3,5mm it will always be printed with 3,5mm - no matter what the scale for the printing is.
Yes, I see also the problem that I could run in space problems after I twitch to the Print preview - but that will also happen when I change the Text hight in the preferences for a 5:1 printing.
Maybe this Feature Request doesn’t looks important if you are usually working with Metric Units but if you have to handle Imperial Units then it is a pain in the back to make always the calculation to get the same heights.
Try it by your self; 3,5mm = 0.137795” = 1”:1” Now I like to print it in 1”:256” ops - to small - ok 1”:64” ... no, to big, maybe 1”:128” .......and QCad can’t remember the previously numbers. ;-)

 676 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Reference Points for "Relative Angle" and "Orthogonal"  ...Closed
Task Description

Other Line tools are offering Reference Points like: “Start” - “Middle” - “End”.

It would be nice to have the same Reference points for “Relative Angle” and “Orthogonal” lines.

680QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowAdditional Export function for Sketchup etc. ....Assigned
Task Description

Additional Export function for export/import into 3D Programs like Sketchup etc. (file types like .dae, .3ds, .ddf, .skp).

See also:

 682 BookFeature RequestLow QCad Book with Bookmarks ... Closed
Task Description

QCad Book

Would be nice to have the index linked (like Bookmarks, Hyperlinks, Jump marks) with the regarding chapter.

So that I just can click in the index what I’m looking for and it jumps directly to the correct chapter.

 691 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Image preview for "Insert Bitmap" ... Closed
Task Description

If I like to import a Bitmap in my drawing I have no possibility to choose a file by a thumbnail bitmap preview. In many cases it is really helpful and I assume it is a sort of standard .... ;-)

705QCAD (main)Bug ReportLowVerwaltung Library Resourcen und Favoriten ....Assigned
Task Description

Ob dies ein Feature Request oder ein Bugreport ist weiß ich nicht ....

Hier meine Gedanken ....

In den Application Preferences kann ich mehrere Library Sources vorgeben. Ich habe eine auf dem HD und eine auf einen USB angegeben.

Wenn ich nun QCad auf der HD ausführe habe ich beide Ressourcen zur Verfügung. Schön! Natürlich habe ich auch im Library Browser meine Favoriten von beiden Ressourcen angegeben.

Wenn ich nun aber den USB entferne zeigt mir der Library Browser immer noch beide Resorcen als Name an - schalte ich nun um auf die USB Resource bekomme ich keinerlei Hinweis das diese momentan nicht zur Verfügung steht. Es passiert einfach NIX ;-) Es wäre schön wenn ich hier eine “Nicht verfügbar” Meldung bekommen würde.

Wenn ich nun meine Trotteligkeit bemerke und den USB wieder einstecke habe ich logischerweise wieder meine Library zur Verfügung ..... nur die auf den USB Stick verweisenden Favoriten sind auf Nimmerwiedersehen verschwunden. Die auf dem HD bleiben erhalten!

OK - um es ganz rund zu machen ein anderes Szenarios in “Steno”:
QCad Start vom USB - > Library Favoriten anlegen auf USB Library - > QCad schließen - > USB entfernen → QCad auf HD starten - > Library Favoriten auf USB sind verschwunden - > QCad HD schließen - > USB einstecken und QCad von USB starten = Favoriten auf USB bleiben verloren!

Wäre es hier nicht möglich die Favoriten Information dem USB mit auf dem Weg zu geben? Wenn ich eine Favoriten Auswahl auf dem USB nicht kontrollieren kann macht diese Möglichkeit kaum Sinn.

 715 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Tangent Warning Messages are wrong ... Closed
Task Description

I like to draw a line tangent between two circle.

I choose the line/tangent tool - click the first circle - get a Warning Message: “No tangent possible” confirm the Message with the OK Button.
Choose the second circle - get again a Warning Message: “No tangent possible” confirm also this Message with the OK Button.

Result: A line tangent between two circle ......

 717 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Create Library Item from selection doesn't takes the ch ...Closed
Task Description

Tool “Create Library Item from selection” doesn’t takes the chosen Reference point ....

It seems that QCAD takes something around the absolute Reference by 2 times ..... ???

719QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowLibrary Browser additional Function ...Assigned
Task Description

It would be nice to get:

In the Create Library Item task → “Save as” a remember Function for the last chosen Path to save the Item ... or a default path what is the same like the settings in the Application Preferences.
Right now you have to navigate again and again for every item what you will save in the same directory. If you have to save 20 items - it sacks ;-)

Also would it be nice for an easy “Clean up” to have the possibility to delete items directly in the Library Browser window.
Right now you have to use extern Programs like the Windows explorer to move or delete items.

 722 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Mouse wheel zoom .... Closed
Task Description

XP 32

Vers. 3.0.0
Mouse zoom in and out with the Mouse-wheel = nice and smooth ;)

Vers. 3.0.5
Mouse zoom in and out with the Mouse-wheel = jumping zigzag ways during it zooms .... :(

 737 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Block with Circle - can't snap to ... Closed
Task Description

XP32 / QCAD 3.0.5

Block with Circles - can’t snap to “Reference”, Intersection.

 738 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Lost Layer and Block List caused by closing the empty " ...Closed
Task Description

XP32 / 3.0.5

Example case:
I open QCAD and I have automatically the “Untitled 1” drawing.
If I open now an additional, saved drawing I have all Blocks and Layer listed and I’m able to work normal with my drawing ...
If the “Untitled 1” drawing is NOT the active drawing and I close it with the X in the Tab I will lose the Layer and Block List (only the List!) in the other drawing ....

I have to play around with QCAD “Window minimizing” “Draft mode” or I have to reopen the drawing to get the Layer/Block List back!
Seems to be a refresh problem .....

Funny is that this not occurs if I have opened a couple drawings .... but in this case I’m able to switch (and refresh?) the drawings with the tabs ....

 740 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Draw - Arc - Two Points and Radius: wrong console outpu ...Closed
Task Description

XP/32 QCAD 3.0.5

... after picking the first Point a wrong message appears what says:
“Warning: The two points are identical”

 742 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Autosave weird behavior ... Closed
Task Description

QCAD 3.0.5

Start QCAD → Went to the Menu → File → Open recent → choose a Drawing out of the List → click to open this existing drawing.
Message windows appears: QCAD found an Autosave drawing .... will you open it? I choose NO!!!
I go back to the Menu → File → Open recent → will choose the same Drawing .... but it is not anymore listed!!!
Ok - I’m not lazy ...
... back to the Menu → File → Open → find the original file on my Hard drive → click to open it and get the Warning Message:
“Can not open the File ...... Please check your access rights bla bla bla....”

Question: In this case I’m only able to open the bak file and “Save as” under the old name to get my starting situation back ...?
Just because I said “NO” to load the Backup File in first place ... ? :-(

 743 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow After editing a Block back to the last window opening i ...Closed
Task Description

Working on a Main Drawing, decide to edit a Block, start the editing process, close the editing process with “Return to Main drawing” and come back to the Main Drawing - but unfortunately to an absolute different View in the Main Drawing ...

It would be nice to come back to the same View (Zoom window) like before I started the editing procedure.

 744 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow QCAD 3.0.5 instable ... Closed
Task Description

XP32/ QCAD 3.0.5

The 3.0.5 Version is very instable - crashes many times in an hour :-(

Problem signatur:
AppName: qcad.exe AppVer: ModName: qcad.exe
ModVer: Offset: 00de468d

 746 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Additional projection tools: dimetric, parallel, persp ...Closed
Task Description

We have already a powerful projection tool in QCAD - the Isometric tool.

It would be nice to have additional a “Dimetric tool” (Ratio 1:0.5:1, Angle 7°/42°) what is often used in the “Engineering world”.
It looks just more professional than the simple Isometric Projections and I’m pretty sure that could open a couple more Customer doors ;-)

 748 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Blocks ... Closed
Task Description

It would be nice ...

- to be able to use " and / in Block names what is really helpful in the Inch and Fraction world ... ;-)

- the ability to overwrite an existing Block what is often much easier/faster than editing a Block ;-)

- After selecting a Block you get the info of the Block name in the Property Editor (Geometry / Referenced Block).
If I need to edit this Block I have to go to the Block List - have to search for this name because it is not marked .... and of course it is a long long list.
It would be nice to have a “Edit this Block” Button in the Property Editor / Geometry / Referenced Block dialog ... ;-)

 749 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow QCAD 3.0.6 / 3.0.7 autosave crashes Closed
Task Description

XP32/ QCAD 3.0.6

The 3.0.6 Version (Snapshot) is very instable - crashed always after a couple minutes ... :-(

Problem signatur:
AppName: qcad.exe AppVer: ModName: qtcore4.dll
ModVer: Offset: 0005d1e8

 751 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Dimension Leader: Arrow attribute Closed
Task Description

XP/32 QCAD 3.0.0

If I try to change the Attributes of a dim leader it doesn’t works.

Leader → Option Arrow head - marked or not - no impact - always with arrow,

Property editor:
Geometry of leader,
Arrow: yes or no - doesn’t changed anything,
Vertex: Index Number doesn’t change anything,

 753 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Paste Preview confusing .... Closed
Task Description

If I paste something from the clipboard to a drawing the scales of dims are wrong in the preview.

It is difficult to place it right with a confusing preview of that what I have to place ... ;-)

 755 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Text: Redundant Infos if I customize the Text hight .. ...Closed
Task Description

If I customize the Text height I get redundant Infos for the Contents...

 759 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Button "Flip Block" doesn't remains Highlighted ... Closed
Task Description

Insert Block:

If I use the “Flip Block” option (Horizontal and/or Vertical) the Buttons doesn’t remains Highlighted. It should remain Highlighted ... ;-)

 773 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Line - Relative Angle / Orthogonal: Reference Point opt ...Closed
Task Description

Reference Point options (Start, middle, end) also for “Relative angle” and “Orthogonal” .... like the other lines ;-)

 790 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Dimension Setting - Extension Line - total length setti ...Closed
Task Description

It would be nice to have the option for a “Short” Extension Line.
This is often used in Architectural drawings.
Yes, I know that I can explode a dimension and change it to that what I’m asking for - but that is really a Sisyphus task and destructs the function of a dynamic Dimension in QCAD.

 791 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Info Tool Polygonal Area closing with right mouse click ...Closed
Task Description

Application Preferences - Widgets - Command line - Show information as dialog: Ticked!

If I use the Info Tool Polygonal Area and decide to close it with a right mouse click the “Show information” dialog window pops up - just as expected.
If I close the Dialog window with the OK Button .... a “CAD Tools” Menu pops up. Not expected ;-)

By the way - any chance to control the number of digits after the decimal point in the Info dialog window? 15 decimal places are most of the time just to much!

 811 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Rectangle(RE) with a defined x,y coordinate start point ...Closed
Task Description

QCAD 3.0 / 3.1

Test case:
set relative zero,
choose rectangle RE tool,
choose snap tool coordinate,
Now QCAD is asking for the x,y coordinates and my thinking was it will just use them for the start point (what I’m looking for!) - but .... QCAD will use the given coordinates for the Start point of the rectangle(right!) AND as size for the rectangle(wrong!) ;-)

 812 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Wrong Alert messages ... Closed
Task Description

3.1 Beta / XP32

Two Points (C2),
Two Points and Angle (A2),
Two Points and Radius (CD),
ONE Mouse-click = Alert message: “The two points are identical”

Tangent two circles (LT2),
Click on first circle = Alert message: “No tangent possible”,
Click on second circle = Alert message: “No tangent possible”

813QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowNew Snap tool: Isometric coordinates ...Assigned
Task Description

It would be nice to have an additional Coordinate tool for isometric constructions.

If I’m working on an isometric drawing I have to design my things with x, y, z coordinates.
Y is, of course not a problem but for x and z I have most off the time to work with construction lines for move, copy, locate etc.
With an isometric coordinate snap tool what will follow the 30° angles for x and z we could save a lot of construction lines ;-)

817QCAD (main)Feature RequestLowSnap and cut all intersection in a given area tool ...Assigned
Task Description

As we all know - from time to time - it is a lot of work to prepare a part of a drawing for a hatch.
To get rid of one of the basic task (cutting lines along the desired hatch boundary) it would be nice to have an add-on - or what ever - what would cut ALL intersection in a drawing (or just on one layer, or just based on a selection etc.) with just a mouse click. Then it would be much faster and easier to do the selection for the hatch boundaries.
The user could decide to make it directly in his drawing or he like to duplicate the drawing to an extra layer where this function will be used ....

Clive mentioned on this:
Maybe a tool like this could be an additional ‘Snap’ selection option - select all snap intersections or select snap intersections within a boundary! then as you suggest ‘cut’ at the intersection points.

 838 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Grid settings are not taken over ... Closed
Task Description

If I do my Grid settings - there are not correctly taken over in existing or new drawings.

Some kind of multiplication?

 843 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Can't snap to reference point of a block reference Closed
Task Description

If I need to move etc. a block regarding to his reference point - I’m not able to snap to the reference point :-( All other snap points are appear as just fine working ...

 846 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Auto Trim at an arc ... Closed
Task Description

If I have to “Auto trim” a line between to construction (or what ever ;-)) lines the Auto Trim function works as expected!

If I use the same constellation with an arc the Auto trim function will give me an uncontrolled, unexpected result ;-)

 852 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Circle hatch undo not correctly working .... Closed
Task Description

Task: Selected “all” (Circle + Hatch)
Move / Copy tool,
Reference, move/copy, place, KEEP ORIGINAL, OK,

Same scenario but DELETE ORIGINAL,
Doesn’t works correctly! :-(

 855 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Scale dimension on/off option ... Closed
Task Description

QCAD 3.1.5 - has a new “Dimensioning Scale adjustment option” (Property editor/Linear Factor). NICE!!! :-)

What means - we are now able to change the dimension scale for existing dims!

My Feature request refers to new dimensions and I think it would be perfect to have a “Scale Factor - On/Off Option” for all Dim Tools.

That would bring us in the position to copy / scale a part of our drawing for a detail view and we could just use us usual the dimensioning tools (with a scale factor) for the dimensioning task ....

 858 QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow Circle/Arc tangential on entities ... Closed
Task Description

I’m not sure but if this is a duplicate please delete!

Feature Request:
It would be nice to have a tool what will help to draw tangential circles and arcs between other entities.

I imagine this tools with a three entities (circles, lines) selection or two entities plus a radius.

860QCAD (main)Feature RequestLow"Create Library item from selection" default Path ...Assigned
Task Description

Default Path for “Create Library item from selection” / “Save us” is C:\Programme\QCAD pro 3.1.6 ...
... regardless of the settings in the “Application Preferences / Library Browser / for Library Sources.
And QCAD doesn’t remember the last path choice ....

If I have to save 50 Library Items I have to navigate 50 times thru my system to find - the same place.

It would be nice if QCAD would point in first place to the Library Source or, at least, remember the last used path ... ;-)

 861 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Widgets blends to early in ... Closed
Task Description

I don’t know: Bug or Feature request ....

Example: If I move the “Library Browser” with the mouse closer than ~63px to the top corner it will go to blend in.
Undo doesn’t works in this case - so I have to pull it out and re-size the widget.

Usually it should blend in if I’m over the bar or at least I have to be much closer to the corner - or not?

 862 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Dimension settings - "Keep proportion" setting can't be ...Closed
Task Description

XP 32/ QCAD 3.1.6

Drawing Preferences - Dimension settings - “Keep proportion” setting changes will not be saved with the Drawing. :-(

Maybe you have to try it a couple times with the same drawing ;-)

 863 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow "Auto Zoom" is aligned also on invisible blocks ... Closed
Task Description

If I switch a Block to invisible and use then the “Auto Zoom” in my drawing - the zoom cutout will appear like the block would still be visible :-(

1. “Auto Zoom” (Z, A) / Visible Block
2. “Auto Zoom” (Z, A) / Invisible Block

 865 QCAD (main)Bug ReportLow Invisible Blocks are causing a warning Window ... Closed
Task Description

If I use in an area with invisible Blocks the “rectangular selection” in “lower left to upper right” direction for a move/copy, mirror, clipboard etc. action - a warning window appear. Also the reference points of the invisible blocks are visible.

If I use the “rectangular selection” in upper right to lower left direction everything works as expected.

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